School Community Council

SCC Meeting Agenda & Minutes

SY 2023-2024

Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

February 2, 2023

Email Vote

Kilauea School Mission & Vision

SCC Agenda 2023-24

1. Call to Order/Attendees: Email responses from Heather Devin, Stefany Radeleff, Carol Seielstad, Rachel Holohan, Haley Gabel (Jill Lowry).


2. Agenda Calendar Items:

SCC Agenda 2023-24

Minutes-Kilauea PTSA/School Community Council Meeting

December 12, 2023

Zoom Call


Kilauea School Mission & Vision


1. Call to Order/Attendees: 2:20pm

Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Stefany Radeleff, Rachel Holohan, Malia Frye


2. Agenda Calendar Items:


·      Mr. Mitchell explained the DOE Tri Level System which governs the State’s Systematic Improvement plan. Stemming from the Board of Education to the Superintendent and then down to the complexes, each school then develops and implements an academic plan. A group of teachers then monitors the plan using an academic monitoring tool. This year the school will use this and other evidence to develop a Kilauea Self Study which a visiting team from WASC will review when they visit the school this spring.

·      Malia asked for more information about WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). WASC is responsible for accrediting schools in Hawaii. On January 8 the school will meet to review the first draft of the Self Study. PTSA and SCC members are invited to attend all or part of this meeting to provide additional stakeholder input.


3. Next Meeting: tba


4. Adjournment Time: 2:25pm

Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

December 05, 2023

School Conference Room


Kilauea School Mission & Vision

1. Call to Order/Attendees: 3:02pm

Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Haley Gabel, Rachel Holohan

2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.

3. Unfinished Business: none

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements: Heather presented information about a gun safety program which she will also present to the principals. The Be Smart program involves encouraging adults to secure, model secure storage, and ask others to be sure to secure fire arms, in addition to recognizing the danger of fire arms in suicide.

6. Next Meeting: tba

7. Adjournment Time: 3:30

Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

Date: November 7, 2023

School Conference Room


1. Call to Order/Attendance: 2:31 pm Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Jill Lowry

2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.

3. Unfinished Business: None

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: To be announced. 

7. Adjournment Time: 3:30 

Kilauea School Community Council Meeting-Minutes

Date: September 5, 2023

School Conference Room


1. Call to Order/Attendance: 2:30, Heather Devin, Lea Weldon, Stefany Radeleff, Haley (Anaina Hou representative), Fig Mitchell (by phone)

2. Approval of the Minutes: 

3. Unfinished Business: None

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: Oct. 3, Heather to check on Mr. Mitchell’s schedule and the school calendar. 

7. Adjournment Time: 3:15


Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

Minutes May 2, 2023

School Conference Room


Kilauea School Mission & Vision

1. Call to Order:2:45 Attendance: Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Stefany Radeleff, Rachel Holohan.

2. Approval of the Minutes: Feb. 7 minutes approved

3. Unfinished Business:

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: Beginning of next school year.

7. Adjournment Time:

Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

February 7, 2023

School Conference Room


Kilauea School Mission & Vision

1. Call to Order/Attendees: 2:30pm

Stefany Radeleff, Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad

2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.

3. Unfinished Business:

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: March 7

7. Adjournment Time: 3:00

Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

January 10,2023

School Conference Room


Kilauea School Mission & Vision

1. Call to Order: 2:30 Fig, Heather, Jill, Carol, Rachel, Stefany, Lea (PCNC)

2. Approval of the Minutes:Carol and Jill

3. Unfinished Business:

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: February 7, 2023

7. Adjournment Time: 3:12

Minutes- Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

December 6, 2022

School Conference Room


1. Call to Order:2:31pm, Jill Lowry, Carol Seielstad, Rachel Holohan, Stefany Radeleff, Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin in attendance.

2. Approval of the Minutes: Rachel made a motion to approve the minutes from Nov. 1 meeting. Jill seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

3. Unfinished Business:

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: January 10, 2023

7. Adjournment Time: 3:30

Minutes- Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

November 1, 2022

School Conference Room


1. Call to Order/Attendees:Stephany Radeleff, Jill Lowry, Rachel Holohan, Heather Devin, Fig Mitchell

2. Approval of the Minutes: Rachel made a  motion to approve, Stefany seconded the motion. The minutes from the Oct. 12th meeting were approved.

3. Unfinished Business:

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

5. Announcements:

6. Next Meeting: Dec. 6, 2022 at 2:30

7. Adjournment Time: 3:40

MINUTES: Kilauea School Community Council Meeting

October 12, 2022

School Conference Room


1. Call to Order: by H. Devin at 1:40pm

    In attendance: Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Rachel Holohan, Stefany Radeleff

2. Approval of the Minutes: 1st meeting of the year

3. Unfinished Business: None

4. Agenda Calendar Items:

1. SCC Members List: Currently we have Mr. Mitchell (Principal), Heather Devin (teacher representative), Rachel Holohan (Parent Representative), and Stefany Radeleff (nominee for certificated staff representative).

Currently we are looking for a community representative.

2. Select SCC Chairperson- Heather Devin will continue this role until all roles are filled and a vote can be taken.

3. Review what the committee does:

About the Councils

School Community Councils (SCC) play a vital role in Hawaii’s education system. They are part of the leadership structure at each school and enable shared-decision making among principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students and community members to improve student achievement.

School Community Councils are:

4. Plan the General Meeting for November 1. Set time, agenda, how will parents and the community be notified?- The committee decided to conduct a general meeting along with PTSA’s family night which is planned for November. We are currently looking at the week of November 14th.

5. Announcements: 

6. Next Meeting: The committee will conduct future SCC meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2:30 pm. The next meeting will be November 1, 2022 at 2:30 in the office.

7. Adjournment Time: 2:00

2022-020-23 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2022-01-25 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2022-01-25 SCC Meeting Agenda.pdf
2021-12-16 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2021-11-18 SCC Meeting Agenda.pdf
2021-11-18 SCC Agenda.pdf
2021-10-28 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2021-10-27 SCC Agenda.pdf
2021-09-16 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2021-09-16 SCC Agendapdf.pdf
2021-04-21 SCC Updates.pdf
2021-03-10 Kilauea SCC.pdf
2021-02-24 Kilauea SCC Community Meeting.pdf
2021-01-27 SCC meeting minutes.pdf
2020-12-17 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-11-23 Kilauea SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-02-18 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-10-01 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-03-11 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-01-14 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2020-2021 SY SCC Board .pdf
2021-2022 School Year SCC Board.pdf
2019-11-26 SCC Community Meeting #1.pdf
2019-10-15 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2018-09-17 SCC Meeting Minutes.pdf
2019-08-20 SCC Minutes.pdf

SCC Information and Forms

School Community Councils.pdf
SCC Member Roles.pdf
SCC Nomination form.pdf