School Community Council
SCC Meeting Agenda & Minutes
SY 2023-2024
Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
February 2, 2023
Email Vote
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
SCC Agenda 2023-24
1. Call to Order/Attendees: Email responses from Heather Devin, Stefany Radeleff, Carol Seielstad, Rachel Holohan, Haley Gabel (Jill Lowry).
2. Agenda Calendar Items:
An email was sent to request a vote on adding 1 additional waiver day to the 2024-25 school calendar.
The vote count was: 5 in favor of adding 1 waiver day, 0 no votes.
SCC Agenda 2023-24
Minutes-Kilauea PTSA/School Community Council Meeting
December 12, 2023
Zoom Call
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
1. Call to Order/Attendees: 2:20pm
Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Stefany Radeleff, Rachel Holohan, Malia Frye
2. Agenda Calendar Items:
· Mr. Mitchell explained the DOE Tri Level System which governs the State’s Systematic Improvement plan. Stemming from the Board of Education to the Superintendent and then down to the complexes, each school then develops and implements an academic plan. A group of teachers then monitors the plan using an academic monitoring tool. This year the school will use this and other evidence to develop a Kilauea Self Study which a visiting team from WASC will review when they visit the school this spring.
· Malia asked for more information about WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). WASC is responsible for accrediting schools in Hawaii. On January 8 the school will meet to review the first draft of the Self Study. PTSA and SCC members are invited to attend all or part of this meeting to provide additional stakeholder input.
3. Next Meeting: tba
4. Adjournment Time: 2:25pm
Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
December 05, 2023
School Conference Room
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
1. Call to Order/Attendees: 3:02pm
Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Haley Gabel, Rachel Holohan
2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.
3. Unfinished Business: none
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Staffing: Mr. Mitchell explained the staffing proposal for next year. He proposed an additional position of coach to work with Response to Intervention (RTI) and ELL. There would be no loss in classroom teacher positions. The tech coordinator position would be staff reduced. The school could contract with a part time staffer to provide tech support. Rachel asked whether the current tech instruction could be handled by classroom teachers and whether STREAM classes might be resumed next year. Mr. Mitchell reported that additional support for classroom teachers and STREAM services would be covered in the upcoming academic plan. The SCC members expressed agreement to the proposed staffing plan for next year.
Waiver Days for next year: the deadline to propose waiver days for next year is December 8. Three waiver days were proposed and approved by the SCC.
5. Announcements: Heather presented information about a gun safety program which she will also present to the principals. The Be Smart program involves encouraging adults to secure, model secure storage, and ask others to be sure to secure fire arms, in addition to recognizing the danger of fire arms in suicide.
6. Next Meeting: tba
7. Adjournment Time: 3:30
Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
Date: November 7, 2023
School Conference Room
1. Call to Order/Attendance: 2:31 pm Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Jill Lowry
2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.
3. Unfinished Business: None
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
WASC Self-Study Overview- Mr. Mitchell shared information about the upcoming accreditation visit. The school’s six year accreditation will need to be renewed this year. The dates the visiting team will be here are March 4-7, 2024. Carol described recent experiences with WASC visiting teams.
Testing Data- Mr. Mitchell shared Strive HI data from last spring. He showed a comparison of Smarter Balanced Assessment scores among the state, Kauai, East Complex, and Kilauea scores. Heather shared a recent news article stating: “Kilauea Elementary on Kauai’i exceeds statewide academic trends”. Jill discussed possible ways to increase engagement among sixth graders.
Staffing- Mr. Mitchell explained the process of determining staffing for next year. The financial plan will be developed in December. Funds are based on projected enrollment. More information will be available after the academic and financial plans are shared.
5. Announcements:
Calendar of Meetings: It may be possible to schedule SCC meetings to align with the timeline for important events such as presentation of the financial plan. If so, monthly SCC meetings would no longer be required. Carol asked whether SCC By-Laws specify monthly meetings. Mr. Mitchell will check on this.
6. Next Meeting: To be announced.
7. Adjournment Time: 3:30
Kilauea School Community Council Meeting-Minutes
Date: September 5, 2023
School Conference Room
1. Call to Order/Attendance: 2:30, Heather Devin, Lea Weldon, Stefany Radeleff, Haley (Anaina Hou representative), Fig Mitchell (by phone)
2. Approval of the Minutes:
3. Unfinished Business: None
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Introductions- Everyone went around the table and introduced themselves. Haley was Jill Lowry’s representative from Anaina Hou. Haley is the Upper Campus Manager there.
Role and Function of SCC- Heather reviewed bullet points about the functions of School Community Councils.
Mr. Mitchell to give the beginning of the school year update- Mr. Mitchell called in from home. Mr. Mitchell explained a little bit about the WASC visitation this school year. The WASC team could possibly want to interview members of the SCC. The visit will be in March. During our next meeting we may look at school wide data.
Calendar of Meetings- 1st or 2nd Tuesday? Heather will get together with Mr. Mitchell to confirm meeting days and times.
5. Announcements:
Lea announced a Bingo Night on September 14th. Also there will be a PTSA Meeting on September 12th.
6. Next Meeting: Oct. 3, Heather to check on Mr. Mitchell’s schedule and the school calendar.
7. Adjournment Time: 3:15
Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
Minutes May 2, 2023
School Conference Room
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
1. Call to Order:2:45 Attendance: Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad, Stefany Radeleff, Rachel Holohan.
2. Approval of the Minutes: Feb. 7 minutes approved
3. Unfinished Business:
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Principal Survey
SCC Committee for school year 2023-24- Everyone is willing to stay on the committee. Jill has recommended Ben, her operations director, to take her place. She will bring him to our first meeting.
5. Announcements:
We have a new preschool starting in August. Fig is working on the pick up and drop off plan for students.
We have a new marquee that will be going up in the front of the school.
The Principal position has opened up and Fig just applied yesterday.
We hired a preschool teacher and a 4th/5th grade teacher. We are still looking for a 1st grade teacher, another 4th or 5th grade teacher and an EA.
Mr. Mitchell left the meeting so the committee could do the Principal Survey.
The committee discussed the interview team for the Principal position. The team voted that Heather could represent the SCC on the interview team when the time comes.
6. Next Meeting: Beginning of next school year.
7. Adjournment Time:
Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
February 7, 2023
School Conference Room
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
1. Call to Order/Attendees: 2:30pm
Stefany Radeleff, Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Carol Seielstad
2. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.
3. Unfinished Business:
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Email vote on 3 Waiver Days- Everyone was in favor of the additional days.
5. Announcements:
Mr. Mitchell discussed school positions for next year. He mentioned that open positions have been posted. We are trying to find a Title 1 coordinator and there’s a possibility we might replace with a classroom teacher.
Mr. Mitchell discussed the academic plan progress. We are working on it currently, the template is more simple than previous years. There is a focus on literacy and numeracy.
Mr. Mitchell mentioned that the ART focus team discussed what are we doing well at school, what can we modify, what are we not doing that needs improvement. The next step is to prioritize and to put into the Academic Plan. The plan needs to be submitted by the end of March.
Carol asked about qualifying for Title 1 next year. Yes we do.
There is a family night on February 17th. Coordinated by the PTSA.
Carol asked about the WASC self-study and when it is due. The study is due at the end of the first semester next school year. The visit will be in the Spring of 2024.
Stefany asked about volunteers for the Centennial Dinner and entertainment that is scheduled for April. 28th.
6. Next Meeting: March 7
7. Adjournment Time: 3:00
Minutes-Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
January 10,2023
School Conference Room
Kilauea School Mission & Vision
1. Call to Order: 2:30 Fig, Heather, Jill, Carol, Rachel, Stefany, Lea (PCNC)
2. Approval of the Minutes:Carol and Jill
3. Unfinished Business:
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Timeline for CNA and Academic Plan: Fig explained what the CNA is (Comprehensive Needs Assessment) and what it entails. A focus committee looks at different categories of data for strengths and needs. Currently the team is finishing up the CNA. Staff will then give input. Next month we will start to create an academic plan based on the strengths and needs. After we develop it, SCC will also look over the plan. The plan will determine how money is spent.
1.8 billion 9% staffing, we want all stakeholders to be involved.
5. Announcements:
We have contracted Hazel health as a counseling service for families and students in need.
Question: Rachel - is there funding for gifted and talented programs? Yes and it is called the STREAM program currently. Each year students can apply. There are certain criteria that must be met. The program can change yearly depending on what areas are being addressed.
Discussion about Centennial Fundraiser event. PTSA is in contact with Jill about Anaina Hou.
Discussion about computer science standards, keyboarding, cursive writing. How do we fit this all in?
6. Next Meeting: February 7, 2023
7. Adjournment Time: 3:12
Minutes- Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
December 6, 2022
School Conference Room
1. Call to Order:2:31pm, Jill Lowry, Carol Seielstad, Rachel Holohan, Stefany Radeleff, Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin in attendance.
2. Approval of the Minutes: Rachel made a motion to approve the minutes from Nov. 1 meeting. Jill seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
3. Unfinished Business:
Family Night was well attended and a very positive experience.
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Staffing for 2023-2024-
Initially we thought we were going to be short $100,000. However because there are less students overall in the state the amount of money per student is greater.
We are bringing back all positions, just rearranging which budget they are being paid from.
There was a question from Jill regarding the mental health and counseling needs of our students. Fig proposed we could put extra counseling support on our academic plan if we have more funds available.
Title 1 Coordinator position is open. We may need others at school to assume some of this responsibility.
Chan/Zuckerberg Foundation funded every school on island.
5. Announcements:
Jill announced that there would be a cookie decorating event at Na Aina Kai on December 23rd. She will send flier to both Fig and Mr. Hamada.
6. Next Meeting: January 10, 2023
7. Adjournment Time: 3:30
Minutes- Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
November 1, 2022
School Conference Room
1. Call to Order/Attendees:Stephany Radeleff, Jill Lowry, Rachel Holohan, Heather Devin, Fig Mitchell
2. Approval of the Minutes: Rachel made a motion to approve, Stefany seconded the motion. The minutes from the Oct. 12th meeting were approved.
3. Unfinished Business:
Nominations and voting for Classified SCC Member-Stefany Radeleff was voted in as the Classified Member of our SCC.
Nominations and voting for Community Member- Jill Lowry, Executive Director of Anaina Hou was voted in as our Community Member of our SCC.
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
Input on school/community events-There was a discussion about a Parent Night. PTSA will be deciding on the day and time of the event tomorrow during their meeting. They are looking at Nov. 17th or 18th. Jill offered the Porter Pavilion anytime the school might want to do an event or parent night.
Share school data-Fig shared information on student enrollment projection and budget for next year. He shared that math scores are down and are an area of concern. Jill suggested reaching out to the Rotary Club for volunteers. Fig shared we are working on in-house trainings for best instructional practices.
Input on priorities for next year’s Academic/Financial Plan
5. Announcements:
6. Next Meeting: Dec. 6, 2022 at 2:30
7. Adjournment Time: 3:40
MINUTES: Kilauea School Community Council Meeting
October 12, 2022
School Conference Room
1. Call to Order: by H. Devin at 1:40pm
In attendance: Fig Mitchell, Heather Devin, Rachel Holohan, Stefany Radeleff
2. Approval of the Minutes: 1st meeting of the year
3. Unfinished Business: None
4. Agenda Calendar Items:
1. SCC Members List: Currently we have Mr. Mitchell (Principal), Heather Devin (teacher representative), Rachel Holohan (Parent Representative), and Stefany Radeleff (nominee for certificated staff representative).
Currently we are looking for a community representative.
2. Select SCC Chairperson- Heather Devin will continue this role until all roles are filled and a vote can be taken.
3. Review what the committee does:
About the Councils
School Community Councils (SCC) play a vital role in Hawaii’s education system. They are part of the leadership structure at each school and enable shared-decision making among principals, teachers, school staff, parents, students and community members to improve student achievement.
School Community Councils are:
A group of people who are elected by their peers to advise the principal on matters that affect student achievement and school improvement. Their primary role is to participate in the process that ensures that the needs of all students are addressed in the school’s Academic Plan.
Forums for open discussion and problem-solving related to student achievement. Research suggests that the collaborative process contributes to improved school culture, classroom practices and student learning, and the development of a strong professional community of educators.
A means to involve the community in the discussion of educational issues and help schools identify and respond to the educational needs of the community.
4. Plan the General Meeting for November 1. Set time, agenda, how will parents and the community be notified?- The committee decided to conduct a general meeting along with PTSA’s family night which is planned for November. We are currently looking at the week of November 14th.
5. Announcements:
6. Next Meeting: The committee will conduct future SCC meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2:30 pm. The next meeting will be November 1, 2022 at 2:30 in the office.
7. Adjournment Time: 2:00